Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Search Engine Optimization Tips | How to Optimize your Website

Search Engine Optimization Tips - 5 Easy Steps to Optimize your website for the Google Search Engines.  

Step 1. Use your "Keywords" in the URL of your website

Google loves it when your URL is an exact match for your keyword.  Let’s use the Baseball Cards example again.  If I was building a URL for the keywords “baseball cards” I would make the URL the exact keyword match.

If you have not purchased your URL yet, try to purchase a URL that has your keywords in it. is a great site to purchase URL’s and then you can forward the URL with masking.  With masking means that you are buying a URL that is going to replace the name of the one you have already and the website will show the name as your new URL.  

If you already have a website and your URL doesn’t have any of the keywords in it, you can add them by building a new page or post on your site.  Just add a new page to your site and title the URL “your keywords”.  Example:  Let’s say your website URL is but you want to sell baseball cards on it.  Just build a page that is all about baseball cards and title the URL like this:

When you add a new page to your site, most site builders will let you put in the words to create the URL, so make sure you use the keywords in that URL.

Step 2. Title your Website Pages 

Use the Keyword in the Title of your page.  Almost every site builder is the same and the title is one of the first things you enter.  The title is also very important because that is the second thing that Google reads on your site.  Here is an example on Word Press when you add a new page. Always use the keywords that you selected in the beginning of the title like the example below. 

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The Title of his site is the very first thing that you see colored in blue “Baseball Cards”.  You see how the title of his site has the keyword at the very beginning.  Baseball Cards – Dave and Adam’s World.  It’s always good to have the keywords at the very beginning of the Title.
This picture is also a good example on how to build a URL where the keywords are at the end of the URL.

Step 3. Meta Description

Use the keyword in your Meta-Tag.  The Meta-Tag is just a fancy word for the description of your site.  This is the third thing that Google scans your site for.   Like titles, almost any site builder allows you to put in a short description of your site.  Try to keep the description under 250 characters or the end of your description will get cut off like the example below.  If you can’t find the section where your description is located, call your website builder and they will tell you.
This is what the Meta Tag Description looks like to Google.

baseball cards - Google Search

As I mentioned about the description being too long, see how the last sentence of the description is cut off with the …
That tells you that the description was too long and Google cut off the rest.  Try to make sure that your description is short enough that a user can read the entire thing.
Congratulations, you have done one the hardest, most important part of SEO and that making sure that your URL, Title, and Meta Description Tag all match with the keyword that you are trying to rank for.  The next steps are pretty easy and should be natural to you if you have built your site thus far.  If this is your first site, don’t be scared, it will be pretty easy for you too.

Step 4. Adding Images and Pictures with Alt Text

You need to add pictures with Alternate Text.  Alternate Text is just adding a title AND an alternate title to your picture.  More simply put, it is adding the same title to your picture, twice.  For this example let’s say we add a picture that looks like a baseball card.  The title and alternate title for the picture will be “baseball cards”.  I know it sounds crazy how we keep using the exact same keyword but that is how you get Google to see that you are completely relevant for the search about your keyword.  The only way you can go wrong is if you try to put your keyword in your paragraph too many times.  
This is called keyword stuffing and Google is much smarter than that.  Try to make sure you stay within the 2-4 percent ratio.  Never use your keyword more than 2-4 percent of paragraph.  The title, Meta-description, and URL don’t matter and have no percent that you need to worry about. It’s only the content/paragraph you need to worry about.
This can also work for Videos.  So, if you decide to post a video to your site, make sure that it is titled with your keyword.

Step 5. Adding Content to Your Website for Seo

You need to add Content to your site.  Content is just words or paragraphs.  It’s what you want to talk about on your page or your product.  If your site was all about baseball cards like in the example we have been using.  You would want to make your content/words and paragraphs all about baseball cards.  You want to write your page almost like you would write an essay.  It need to be at least 300 – 500 characters (words) in length and should contain your “keyword or keywords” at least 2-4 percent of the time. To be safe just have a 3 percent use of your keyword.  Example:  3 percent of 100 = 3, then for 300 words you would need your keyword in that paragraph about 9 times.  Make sure that your paragraph sounds natural, you don’t want it sounding like your just trying to put your keyword in there as many times as you can.
Example using the keyword “Baseball Cards” This example is only 57 words but is a good example of how you need to use the keyword in the paragraph.  The keyword can even be split up, like the example you see below where he only said baseball on one part of the sentence and cards on the other.
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You are also going to need to build back links.  You can visit my other blog post that has info about building back links.  I will also be creating other posts about Search Engine Optimization Tips and Tricks.  Seo Tips Tricks Tools click on this link.  If you need SEO services please contact me or just type in best phoenix seo service on Google. Check out my list of the Top 5 SEO Companies.  Also, take a look at how to optimize your website for Google.Also, Check out my new post explaining the new Google Hummingbird Update and how to avoid Penalties.


  1. These information are great and it help in creating a awesome blog.I just follow all those steps and make a great blog.Thanks for it!
    SEO Tips and Tricks

  2. Factually, the higher or more frequently a site/page appears in search engine results, the greater are the chances of receiving traffic in big figures. SEO for local business
